Sun-bleached Branch, Cobalt Sky

Near Sisters, OR (Artist Statement)

Sun-bleached Branch, Cobalt Sky: Near Sisters, OR, USA (2002) - Abstract photo of a white, sickle-shaped branch against a pure blue sky

The dead tree in this photograph was surrounded by an ancient lava bed – a stream of molten earth that had hardened and cracked, forming a vast, uneven moonscape of flowing broken rock. Walking along it, I felt like an alien in a strange world.

In the middle of the flow, there was a small group of dead trees, their branches bleached by the intense sun. I liked the cocky, sickle-like shape of this branch. Lying down in the sharp rock, I photographed it from below, showing it harshly exposed, a single white bone against the hot sky.

— Sun-bleached Branch, Cobalt Sky: Near Sisters, OR, USA (2002)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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