Daily Photo Tips Archive

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These photography tips are a record of new entries to the Daily Photo Tips RSS feed since November 2007. There are currently 1567 tips in the database! Contact Me to comment or add tips.

Daily Photo Tip

The 'sunstar', caused by extreme highlight diffraction from aperture blades, can vary in size and quality depending on the format used. Smaller format camera systems tend to produce the star at larger apertures than larger format systems. (First published May 1, 2011)

07.Aug.08When trying to make an object appear level, use the bottom of the frame or the viewfinder hash-marks as a guide. If you do this often, viewing screens with grid lines are available.

06.Aug.08The aperture you use will affect the depth of field in your photograph. A smaller aperture (used with the same lens and subject distance) will produce a larger depth of field than a bigger aperture.

05.Aug.08Before throwing away equipment that doesn't work, look into repairing it. Some repairs are surprisingly simple and cheap, and can save an expensive or irreplaceable item.

04.Aug.08Front light is light coming from the direction of the camera. Front lighting produces few shadows and can reduce the subject's contrast and detail.

03.Aug.08When photographing people, realize that your viewer will almost always look at their face first. A person's face is by far their 'heaviest' compositional element.

02.Aug.08Varying neutral density filters are available for some cameras. By rotating a ring on the front of the filter, you can change the amount of light entering the lens by as much as 8 stops.

01.Aug.08A digital camera CCD uses a matrix of pixels to capture an image all at once. As a result, noise from a camera presents as randomly toned pixels in similar areas of the photo.

31.Jul.08Try a 'hoop' exercise, where you throw a large hoop randomly into a vacant lot. Spend the next hour making as many photographs as you can within your hoop.

30.Jul.08The reflex mirror found in SLR cameras causes a 'mirror slap' that shakes the camera and makes handholding the camera at slow shutter speeds difficult. Rangefinder cameras don't have a mirror.

29.Jul.08Poor quality lenses provide poor colour fidelity. Most bad lenses will reproduce one spectrum more vividly than others. These lenses will also flare easily, inhibiting the reproduction of all spectra.

28.Jul.08Great photography is about quality, not quantity. Sometimes, instead of shooting a scene from every possible angle, pick the best position and concentrate on making an excellent photograph.

27.Jul.08When you're bringing your camera in from the cold, keep it sealed in a bag until it warms up. This will prevent moisture from condensing on delicate electronics inside the camera.

26.Jul.08The M setting on modern cameras stands for Manual. This setting lets the photographer set both the aperture and shutter speed, using the cameras internal metering system as a guide.

25.Jul.08Most countries allow a photographer to print and sell photographs of strangers as art. However, if the photo is to be used in advertising, a model release will be required.

24.Jul.08Repeating shapes within a photograph can seem to expand the scope of the photograph, cueing the viewer to imagine outside the frame. Try repeating shapes when you want a photo to seem to carry on forever.