Daily Photo Tips Archive

Page 92

These photography tips are a record of new entries to the Daily Photo Tips RSS feed since November 2007. There are currently 1567 tips in the database! Contact Me to comment or add tips.

Daily Photo Tip

Glare can sometimes limit the effectiveness of live-view LCDs when working in very bright environments. Though some information can usually be seen with effort, it may be easier to use a viewfinder. (First published Oct 6, 2010)

08.Jun.08Photographing animals takes time. Animals typically don't care to be photographed, won't pose, and won't sit still for long periods of time. Generally, the only way to get good photos of animals is to be patient.

07.Jun.08Not all digital camera bodies have the same magnification factor. Before buying a digital body, or switching to a new digital body, be sure that the new magnification factor works for you.

06.Jun.08If your photography is frustrated by elements far beyond your control, you may have to start creating something different. Sometimes it's necessary to rethink a particular photograph to put it into the realm of the possible.

05.Jun.08Remember the effect of lens length on depth of field. Longer lenses create a shallower apparent depth of field (at the same distance and aperture) than short lenses.

04.Jun.08If you don't need a monopod all the time, just use your tripod with one leg extended. This setup is much cheaper and twice as versatile.

03.Jun.08Signal-to-noise ratio is the ratio of true image capture to random noise in a digital photograph. A high signal-to-noise ratio is desirable.

02.Jun.08Many modern cameras can be triggered using a remote control. The remote can be as basic as an off-camera shutter release, or it can be used to perform many more complex functions.

01.Jun.08Digitally increasing colour saturation can seem to make your image darker. The effect will vary, but is usually most pronounced when the image has large areas of smooth blue.

31.May.08When matting and framing a photo, keep in mind that most photos look best with a nearly even amount of mat on all sides. This means that your frame will have a different side ratio than your photo.

30.May.08Curves lead the eye around a photograph, acting as a tour guide for other design elements. If used well, curves can also create gentle shapes and designs with one another, and the edges of the frame.

29.May.08If you're doing ink-based printing, consider using pigment based inks. When pigments are used for colour, the resulting ink fades much more slowly than when dye is used.

28.May.08Lines that converge towards the top of the frame can add a great deal of distance and body to a photograph. Experiment with adding a sense of depth this way, even if no true depth exists.

27.May.08Don't worry if your camera thinks your choice of exposure is a mistake. Your camera is programmed to produce normally exposed photographs, not to be creative.

26.May.08Try removing the sense of 'scale' from some of your photos. Not being able to instantly attach a size to the objects in your photograph will let your viewers further appreciate other compositional elements.

25.May.08HDR, or High Dynamic Range photography, can create photographs with a very wide dynamic range. This is usually achieved by merging many exposures in photo software and specially profiling them for printing.